Hope everyone has had a magnificent week and a wonderfully green St. Patrick's Day!
First: Surgery Saga Update
Not much has really happened in the last week! Which I take as a good thing! I had bloodwork done on Monday. A lot of random stuff that even my home health nurse had never heard of. All the bloodwork came back completely normal! My TPN and lipids have stayed at 2000 calories because I haven't had any problems with it, and I am very slowly gaining weight. Like one pound a week. But hey...that adds up so I'm okay with it! I saw an endocrinologist on Wednesday about the osteoporosis they found in my left hip but not much came out of it yet. He got my history (the long version unfortunately) and said he needed to do some research to figure out what medication would be best for me. I like that he is actually doing that because then I feel more comfortable taking it. He also said he wasn't going to start anything until May because he didn't want to interfere with what is going on right now. So I have an appointment with him in May and that is when he will start something. Other than that, not much has happened this week.
I'm excited to have people coming to visit though! My grandparents are coming next Saturday for a week, and they have a beachside condo so I get to escape my apartment and pretend I'm on vacation. Then the next week my grandmother from Virginia is coming for 5 days. She says she is coming to entertain me, so she better get her game face on because I will beat her in every game of Gin Rummy. The second week of April my mom is coming for her spring break! For Christmas, before all this stuff started, I surprised her with a round trip ticket to come to Florida for her spring break. We decided she would still come down that week since my surgery will be after that. I'm so excited!!
Second: Friday Favorites!
My Workout
So I told you I go to the gym twice a week and have a trainer a few weeks ago. Well today I went, and I have never enjoyed working out like I did today. Yesterday was rough for me. I finally had a break-down and just needed to wallow in some self-pity. I fully believe everyone deserves that moment every once in a while because it makes you human and allows you to get that all out so you can move on with life and the circumstances. So I had that moment. I obviously hated that it finally happened, but honestly, it's about time. I think everything just came crashing in and it finally hit me everything I have been going through. Needless to say, today's workout was wonderful. I got everything out and just sweat it out. I really don't think I have pushed myself as much as I did today. I started out teary-eyed (because of course as soon as someone asks how you are, you break down in tears) and left with a huge smile on my face! As Elle Woods would say:
Or in my case, go off the deep end. I will admit though...I really think this is what my trainer was thinking...
Hehe just kidding, Amanda!
Workout Clothes and Nike Shoes
Well obviously if I like my workout, I also like my workout clothes. And I'm also kind of obsessed with them. Ever since this surgery saga started, I have been wearing mostly leggings and big tshirts because if I'm not leaving the house often, why not be comfortable? So my preferred wardrobe right now is simple. Leggings, big tshirt, and sometimes my sorority sweatshirt. It's a huge occasion when I get dressed in real clothes. I "dress up" for doctor's appointments, but right now, that's about it. I have a huge drawer full of workout clothes though. Most of it, I only wear at the gym (with the occasional wearing around the house), but it's a little ridiculous how much I have. I like to workout though, so I have to have the right clothes for it. Obviously I am just trying to justify my obsession 😊 I also have a lot of Nike shoes. Five to be exact. And all different colors. It started when I was a waitress in college and needed black shoes. The only ones I could find were Nike, and I was instantly hooked. So now I have purple, gray, black, blue, and pink! I justify the amount I have by saying they were each loved at a certain time in my life, and I still switch them out quite often. Love them!
Calamine Lotion
So I have shingles. Yeah. I figured out last week that I had them and was quickly put on three different medications that were supposed to get rid of them within 10 days (which actually has worked rather well). I caught them quickly enough so I was able to take the meds. Of course it was painful. And still is. But I will swear up and down that calamine lotion is the best thing since sliced bread. Ohmygoodness I don't know what I would have done without it. But I am on the up and up so no need to worry!
Gluten Free Cookbooks
Once again, I know I am not cooking right now. But don't think I am not planning some meals when I am done with all this. People keep asking what my first meal will be. It'll be chicken broth and jello. I can't start with a steak, nor would I want to after not eating for so long. BUT my first meal as a normal person will be epic. I haven't quite decided what it will be, but I sure am excited about it. I have been scouring my cookbooks and picking some recipes I can make with my grandmother when she comes down after the surgery. I want to try some new things and try to perfect some meals without the cookbook. I already have a lot in my repertoire, but I am always looking to expand that. Especially since I will be on Chopped: Amateurs one day. I gotta be ready! 😊
This Video
Just watch. It speaks for itself.
And that's it for this week! If you need some inspiration, check out this video!
I mean, if you don't feel happier after watching that video, what's wrong with you?
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I can't wait to see Beauty and the Beast tomorrow with friends!! I have been so excited about it for more than a year! Ahhhh!
Hint for next Tuesday:
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