Hello my favorite people!
Hope your week has been going well! It's finally Friday, and I know so many people that are probably excited about that!
First a little update on me! There honestly isn't much of an update this week because not much has happened. My bloodwork from Monday looks good, and my shingles are for the most gone. The worst part of them is that they are now SO itchy! Thankfully I have found some gel with lidocaine in it that has helped me sleep. Hopefully it continues to help! Other than that, not much has been happening. I have an appointment with my surgeon next week (Tuesday) and that is when he will decide the final surgery date!! If it's within 30 days, I will go ahead and do my pre-op and pre-anesthesia appointment, which means I won't have to go back to Gainesville until the surgery!
Weekly Tally:
Days on TPN and lipids- 49
Days with no food- 51
Beauty and the Beast
I honestly could not say enough good things about this movie. I have loved the original since I was little. It actually came out the same month and year that I was born, which means it was obviously meant to be. I loved the story. I loved the iconic yellow dress. I loved the music. It was all just great. Plus Belle was the first brown-haired Disney princess, so obviously I connected with her. When I first heard about the live-action remake, I was a little skeptical. How could they possibly make a live-action movie based off a movie that has few human characters? How could they possibly remake such a magnificent movie? As soon as I found out Emma Watson was going to be Belle, I was convinced it would be equally epic. I knew she wouldn't let us down. She is so great in all her other movies (hello Harry Potter?). She looked the part, acted the part in her daily life, and apparently she could sing and dance. Who knew?! So I've been waiting for this movie for over a year now. And I knew I would be one of the first to see it, because duh! My friend Meredith and I went to the movie last Saturday, and I honestly felt like I was cheating on my best friend. She loves this movie. Probably more than I do. But she is in Botswana in the Peace Corp. So she obviously won't be able to see it until she gets home (although she did promise she would watch it with me when she finally got home later this year). Anywho, Meredith and I were in awe the entire time. It was truly one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The music was great, the characters were perfect, the casting was spot-on, the special effects were amazing, and I truly felt I was there with Belle when 'Be Our Guest' happened. I could not have asked for anything better. So props to Disney and Emma Watson and everyone else involved. You've made something truly iconic. Also I just thought about the fact that this generation of children will know Emma Watson as Belle and not as Hermione Granger, which just makes me feel so old!

Face Masks
Don't know if you guys have ever done a face mask before (like the paper ones that sit on your face) but it is heavenly. I love coming home from working out, washing my face, and relaxing with a face mask on and a book in my hand. I usually get mine from Target or Marshall's. Marshall's has them in bulk boxes, which is always cheaper. But I love them so much. They make your face so smooth for days and it reenergizes you like you wouldn't believe!
This app is a wonderful thing. Sometimes frustrating, but most often wonderful. I skype my family on our phones because they don't have iPhones and can't FaceTime. That means I get to see them (and my adorable pets) at least once a week, which is great when I can't see them in person for a while. I also Skype my health coach, Pam, every two weeks, which isn't quite like being there in person, but it's good enough since I am so far away. It's nice to see people instead of just talking on the phone because I am so close to my family. So I look forward to it!
My Movie-cation
So if you've seen Pitch Perfect, you should know what a movie-cation is. It's a movie education on the classics. There are a lot of movies I haven't seen that I probably should have seen. Like Sixteen Candles or Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Yeah I know. How have I not seen those? Well I just haven't but the beauty of being a library card holder is that I can easily rent just about any movie for free. So far I have watched The Spectacular Now, Pretty in Pink, and Sleepless in Seattle. I have a list of about 40 movies that I want to watch before I start school in September, so I have plenty of time. If you have any suggestions, please let me know! I am always open to anything! The agenda tonight has Say Anything on it.
Dancing With the Stars
So I haven't watched the show in a while. I watched the Laurie Hernandez's dances on YouTube last season and was so happy she won, but I haven't watched the entire show for a while now. I figured I had a little more time right now, so I watched and I really wish I would have stuck with it. I really think this season is going to be tough because there are so many people that are actually good this time around. I was so surprised by all the athletes from this season, but they are ALL good. There are only a few people that I know won't make it very far. I always feel bad for the pro when they get voted off because I'm sure they don't get paid as much, but hey, it's a pretty good gig nonetheless. I think I would say I am rooting for the baseball player and the glee star. Obviously everyone is rooting for Simone Biles, but she is the obvious choice. We shall see as the season goes on!
That concludes Friday Favorites! I can't wait for tomorrow because it is the start of family coming! My mamaw and papaw come tomorrow and then I have Grandma coming and then my mom for her spring break! It's going to be a fun three weeks!
Have a great weekend!